ISEA Family Sail - Great Lakes Educational Programs

Inland Seas Educational Association (ISEA) Great Lakes - Family Discovery Sail Programs Hessel Harbor Marina


ISEA Schooner

77 foot “tall ship” schooner Inland Seas


 LCWC and ISEA mission statements are complementary

LCWC Mission Statement: “To provide protection, conservation and restoration of our Les Cheneaux water-centic resources as well as educational outreach to achieve these objectives” ISEA mission statement: “Inspiring Great Lakes curiosity, stewardship, and passion is the mission of Inland Seas Education Association (ISEA). We teach youth and adults through hands-on experiential activities aboard our 77′ schooner to lead them toward becoming Great Lakes stewards and scientists.

At ISEA, we are passionate. Passionate about protecting the Great Lakes. Protecting the Great Lakes takes stewards that know the Great Lakes, understand the threats to them, enjoy using them, benefit economically through them, and spread the word about them. Being curious about the Great Lakes is the first step toward stewardship and passion. Our goal at ISEA is to impact an increasing number of individuals with this importance task of stewardship of this great resource”


All hands on deck A1024x539 


 Great Lakes Discovery Sail Program Cruise: A unique hands-on experience for the entire family aboard the schooner Inland Seas. Students of all ages become Great Lakes scientist for the day, learning more about the Great Lakes ecosystem by trawling for fish, collecting plankton, sampling the lake bottom, and completing water quality tests. A typical 3 hour cruise consists of the following student hands-on activities:
 On shore – organize into small groups of 5-6 participants and listen to safety lecture from the Captain

 Aboard ship – gather in groups with assigned instructors. Motor from dock and begin weather station activities

 Perform 10 minute trawl to collect fish and bottom vegetation.

 Drop anchor: o Complete weather station activities including water clarity o Collect bottom sediment samples with dredge o Collect plankton samples with fine mesh plankton net o Collect near bottom water samples

 All participants help raise anchor and set sails

 Begin 15-20 minute station rotation on six subject areas o Seamanship – all get turn at the helm o Plankton – observe and identify plankton under high powered microscope o Fish – identify and count species collected o Benthos – examine samples for organisms, vegetation and bottom composition o Water chemistry – determine pH and dissolved oxygen levels o Stewardship – responsibility for our environment, invasive species, and micro plastics

 On return to port - all participants gather on deck for summary of the day’s activities and Q & A.


Sponsored by: Les Cheneaux Watershed Council, Co-Sponsors: Les Cheneaux, Community Foundation & Lions Club